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Dear Dr. Abdulla,

I am writing to invite you to give a speech at Synergy Online Forum which will take part on May 15, 2020. This online conference is a great opportunity for TOP entrepreneurial minds to share their vision on how to tackle the global crisis and succeed.

Thousands of people from all over the World, who are struggling with their jobs or businesses now, will join Synergy Online Forum to get inspiration & tactics in this difficult time.

Joining this event as a speaker is a great opportunity to provide all possible assistance to the people of the World, as well as to receive recognition & increase your network.
Some of the speakers:

Dr Suhail Alzubaidi
Main editor and presenter at Abu Dhabi TV

Faizal Sajwani
CEO at EMC Squared, business coach from the UAE

Nassim Taleb
Worldwide Famous Lebanese Economist, Black Swan Theory Author

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Actor, filmmaker, businessman, former politician and bodybuilder
Not only we, but hundreds of thousands people are hoping for you to give the speech at the event, to bring motivation, inspiration & share your tactics for tackling the crisis.

The topic of your speech is selected by you and preferably should be related to current crisis & anti-crisis measures for businesses or individuals. Duration: 40 mins.

Best regards,
Ilia Melnichuk
General Manager @ Synergy University Dubai